Environmentally-Friendly Cleaning Services For Your Office

It does not matter what season it is, germs abound in an office environment if they are left unchecked. A cleaning service is a perfect way to keep the germs at bay, but what environmentally-friendly options are there to reduce the impact of office cleaning on the planet? When this is a question that weighs heavily on your mind, then you've come to the right spot to find some answers. From changing cleaning products to ways you can recycle the trash from the office, you can use the information found here to discuss changes with your cleaning service so that your office remains sparkling clean with an environmentally-friendly conscience.

Safety Tips When Operating a Sucker Truck


In the past, construction workers had to rely on traditional excavators and handheld tools to expose buried utilities to collect waste from underground sewage reservoirs. However, such methods of waste collection were risky to workers. Thanks to sucker trucks, waste management service providers no longer have to worry about safety issues. Sucker trucks offer more efficiency, tank capacity, and enhanced safety. That said, workers must observe safety guidelines when using working with vacuum excavators.

Stay Clear of Vacuum Hose — When operating a sucker truck, it is important to ensure that no one is standing close to the vacuum hose. A sucker truck relies on a pressurised system to suck waste. It is easy to suffer serious injuries if you stand too close to a suction hose, especially if there is a blockage. The pressure can quickly build up inside a blocked vacuum hose. When a blockage and pressure are released, the hose acts as a whip and strikes anything within touching distance. Therefore, always keep a safe distance from a vacuum hose during operation, and only move close when the system is shut.

Use Just Enough Pressure — As mentioned earlier, a sucker truck uses a pressure system to create suction and suck sludge. However, you need to be careful with the amount of pressure you set on a suction system. A sucker truck working under very high suction pressure can easily yank and damage utilities, such as electric and gas lines buried within a worksite, leading to catastrophic accidents. On the other hand, the equipment may not be productive if the pressure is too low, and you might take hours for a clean-up job that should take a shorter period. Thus, workers must find a sweet spot as far as sucker truck pressure goes.

Inspect the Tank Capacity Constantly — Another common factor in safe worksite practices is ensuring that the tanks are inspected regularly. As a pressure system sucks sludge into a tank, keep in mind that it should not fill to the brim. Do not think that you only need to check a tank's level when it is almost full. If you take this route, it will be challenging to turn off the pressure system in good time, increasing the chances of an overflow. Therefore, ensure that someone is constantly checking a sucker truck's tank level as the suction hose sucks waste sludge, to prevent any mishaps.


1 July 2021